Denis Defrancesco, the creator and founder of DefrancescoArt. A man highly fascinated by the power of Nature. An artist with a vision and a person with freedom inside every one of his cells. Exactly like King Kong Balls, his monumental sculpture, self-confident and slightly shocking. An artwork that leaves you speechless. What impression do you get? A smile on your face, that’s the fact. Everyone loves the way he is, so free-minded, so comfy, so easy-going, so cool. His majestic approach gives a new spirit to grey streets, feeling as comfortable as in a green garden. King Kong Balls’ exotic look catches every single passerby’s attention. His fascinating expression is the right decoration for large spaces, due to his dimensions and weight. A contemporary art lifestyle, a precise performance, purely made of bronze. His significant blue color guarantees the best effect for everyone who comes closer. And what do you wanna see when the capacious area opens in front of you? The answer is more than clear. It surely is King Kong Balls, the one and only.
